The purpose of the No-Build Alternative is to determine whether or not the existing condition is capable of handling the predicted 2040 traffic volumes. Currently, there is no interchange constructed at Keller Road.
No-Build Alternative
Traffic Analysis
We analyzed 2040 No-Build alternative using the traffic analysis software Synchro 9, within the project limits of the I-215 / Scott Road interchange to the north and the I-215 / Clinton Keith Road interchange to the south. We found that under forecasted 2040 traffic conditions, the interchanges at both Scott Road and Clinton Keith Road would fail to accommodate user demand. During the course of our analysis, it was found that the interchange at Scott Road is currently being upgraded from its existing diamond configuration to a partial cloverleaf interchange. This improved the level of service in our analysis of the I-215 and Scott Road interchange, but due to the failing level of service at the ramp intersection to the west, it was not sufficient to justify the lack of an interchange at Keller Road.
Result: Fail
The 2040 No-Build alternative failed the traffic analysis step in our selection process with an unacceptable level of service. Therefore, it is not considered a viable alternative under 2040 traffic conditions and justifies the construction of a new interchange at Keller Road.