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To alleviate congestion on the I-215 Freeway, accommodate flow throughout the region and improve local circulation along with providing adequate and safe access to all users traveling through the interchange.

1. Provide adequate access to local circulation and the new developments.


New developments, such as the Kaiser Facility, will bring added congestion to the immediate area. This potential future congestion will need to be alleviated.



2. Improve mobility throughout the region while relieving congestion on the highway and local roads.



Future developments, such as Kaiser and housing developments, will increase the current number of cars on the highway and local roads. This influx of vehicles could decrease mobility and cause congestion if the site remains as it is.



3. Accommodate for pedestrians and bicyclists crossing the interchange safely.



Currently, the interchange has the bare minimum for pedestrian travel accessible pathways. There are no bicycle lanes or designated accommodations for bicyclists. The pedestrian path towards the interchange along the South side is not paved.



4. Meet the needs of all users.



Currently, the interchange does not adhere to ADA requirements. The walkways are not paved, and there are no ramps present near the interchange to access the paths.






Cal Poly Pomona

3801 W Temple Ave

Pomona, CA 91768

© 2017 Civil Engineering Senior Project: I-215 and Keller Road Interchange

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